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Dengue Assist is a single-use online plan that gives you up to P30,000 coverage on actual hospitalization expense incurred due to Dengue Disease.
Dengue Assist is for ages 18 to 65 years old and is valid for 1 year upon activation date. Benefit coverage starts 30 days after activation date. The health plan is non-transferable once activated.
Outpatient Care Benefits:
- Two (2) consultations with Family Medicine or General Practitioner specialists available at PhilCare Makati and MOA clinics and Hi-Precision Diagnostics Medalle in Cebu.
Hospitalization Care Benefits:
Dengue Assist * gives you a one-time coverage up to Php30,000 for diagnosed Dengue case inclusive of the following:
- Room and board (Regular Private Room)
- Doctors’ fees
- Laboratory and diagnostic procedures according to algorithm set by DOH for Dengue case
- Medical supplies and medications
- Administration of Dengue vaccines
Other Additional Benefits (this benefit is provided by a third party-insurance provider):
- P10,000 accidental death and disability coverage
Client may examine and cancel this health plan within a period of 15days from receipt of the Certificate of Coverage, provided that the product hasn’t been utilized or availed for its purpose. The membership coverage shall be terminated thereafter. Refund provisions apply in accordance to PhilCare’s Termination Policy. Please email your request at [email protected].
Outpatient Availment:
- For medical present this plan together with a valid identification to PhilCare Makati and MOA clinics
- Avail the consultation benefit to your preferred physician available in the clinic.
- Arrange appointment at any of the following clinics prior to availment:
- PhilCare Manila Clinic 3544217 or 3544218
- PhilCare Makati Clinic 8928844 or 8928850
- Hi-Precision Diagnostics – Medalle Branch (Cebu City) (032)2550131
Hospitalization Availment:
- Simply present this plan together with a valid identification to the emergency room personnel at identified PhilCare-accredited hospital.
- ER personnel will facilitate the approval of your availment by reaching our contact center to verify your membership eligibility and health coverage. The final medical diagnosis is the basis for PhilCare’s approval of coverage. Please note that the coverage of the plan is based on the final medical diagnosis of a Dengue case. The initial presentation of your symptoms may indicate Dengue for which a PhilCare In-Patient Letter of Authorization (LOA) may be issued. However, this may be invalidated and revoked if it is shown in the course of medical treatment that the case is not related to Dengue illness.
- Once approval has been provided, request for cancellation of approval to reactivate membership is not allowed.
By buying, registering or availing coverage of any of the above products, I certify that I have read, understand and agree to these Terms and Conditions. I would receive the soft copy of the full policy contract within 24 hours from the receipt of the Certificate of Coverage that includes the full details of the product that I have purchased including its terms and conditions. I may also opt to request for a full policy contract by sending an email to [email protected]. If I disagree with these Terms and Conditions and I have not registered the product, I can request for a refund, subject to the PhilCare Returns & Refund or Replacement, or Cancellation Procedures (https://shop.philcare.com.ph/return-refund-terms).
I certify that the information given and to be given by me or on my behalf is true and correct and that any material misrepresentation or falsity therein shall be construed as an act to defraud PhilHealthCare Inc. (PhilCare), and serves as sufficient ground for any and all of the following actions: the rejection or cancellation of my application or membership, non-coverage of medical expenses at accredited providers, collection of receipt from me in case of payment of medical expense advanced by PhilCare. I hereby authorize PhilCare to inquire about and investigate all declared information from whatever sources PhilCare may consider appropriate.
I agree that receipt of the corresponding membership fees by PhilCare does not constitute acceptance of my application until the corresponding application has been approved. For ER Shield and ER Vantage Plus, and Health Vantage approval of application is seven (7) calendar days from notice of successful registration. For Dengue Assist, approval of application is automatic thirty (30) calendar days from notice of successful registration. Coverage shall automatically begin, regardless of the status of receipt of notice advising the member of successful registration and coverage period. Any incident, illness or condition that occurs prior to the start of coverage, even if it continues up to or past the Effectivity Date, will not be covered.
I agree to the coverage of illnesses as stated in the general exclusions applicable to health care coverage found in https://shop.philcare.com.ph/non-covered-illnesses-and-diseases. PhilCare shall have the final decision to determine coverage of illness based on but not limited to registration date, start date of coverage, final diagnosis, general exclusions, evaluation of the case as emergency in nature, hospital billing, and professional fees.
I hereby agree to PhilCare in retrieving and processing any and all medical information drawn or obtained pursuant to its services based on my coverage, provided, that (a) such information shall only be utilized in accordance with lawful and official business purposes of PhilCare; (b) such information shall not be disclosed to non-essential personnel or entities; and (c) all reasonable efforts shall be taken to maintain the confidentiality of said information.
**Check the list of
Non-Covered Illnesses and Diseases
***The Certificate of Coverage (COC) is issued together with the soft copy policy (provided within 24 hours from COC receipt). To request for a full hard copy policy contract, please send an email to [email protected].