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This health plan allows you to avail unlimited consultation services for one (1) year from PhilCare-accredited network of medical specialists and dentists.
Unli-Consult for 65+ is for age 66 years old and above and is valid for 1 year upon activation date. Benefit starts 3 days after activation date. This Certificate of Coverage is non-transferable once activated.
Unli-Consult for 65+ * this health plan allows you to avail unlimited consultation services for one (1) year from PhilCare-accredited Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Physician, Cardiologists, Nephrologists, Pulmonologists, Gastroentrologists nationwide and dentists nationwide and one (1) year unlimited HeyPhil Digimed consultations ** The Coverage is inclusive of the following benefits:
Dental Service:
- Annual Dental Examination and Consultation
- Unlimited orthodontic or aesthetic consultation
- Gum treatment for lesions, wounds, and burns, except alveolectomy and gingivectomy
- Relief and/or prescription for acute dental pain
- Diagnosis of oral disease, restorative and prosthodonctic treatment planning
- Dental nutrition and dietary counseling
- Dental health education through Chairside Instruction
- First aid treatment/emergency treatment
- Unlimited temporary fillings
- Re-cementation of loose crowns, inlays, onlays, and fixed bridges
- Simple repair and adjustment of denture
- Simple tooth extraction/unlimited simple extraction of an unsavable tooth
- Desensitization of hypersensitivity teeth
- Annual prophylaxis (light cases only)
Pre-existing conditions are covered. The only exceptions are maternity-related cases and cases related to all forms of behavioural disorders, developmental or psychiatric disorder and psychosomatic illness whether acquired or congenital. **Client may examine and cancel this health plan within a period of 15 days from receipt of the Certificate of Coverage, provided that the product hasn’t been utilized or availed for its purpose. The membership coverage shall be terminated thereafter. Refund provisions apply in accordance to PhilCare’s Termination Policy. Please email your request at [email protected].
Consultation Availment
- For medical consultations, create a self-issued Letter of Authorization (LOA) and personalized membership card at Consultations page. Present LOA, personalized membership, card and 1 valid ID with picture to chosen medical specialist.
- For dental consultations, download and print the personalized membership card at Consultation page and present this with one (1) valid ID of the cardholder on the day of availment.
HeyPhil Digimed Consultation Procedure:
- Download the HeyPhil DigiMed application through Play Store (for android phones) or App Store (for IPhones)
- Click Need Online Mental Counseling or Medical Consultation? Click Here found at the bottom part of the app screen.
- Go to With Reference No? Click Here found at the upper part of the app screen.
- Fill out the Patient Profile then click submit.
- Enter your Chief Complaint or the reason why would you like to seek for medical consultation.
- Attach a photo of your most recent doctor’s prescription or laboratory test results if available, otherwise, proceed to read and agree with the terms and conditions in availing a digital consultation.
- Click the Request Consultation to queue your digiconsult request with one of our DigiMed doctors.
- Stand by for your DigiMed Doctor’s call until the submitted chief complaint and copies of prescription and laboratory test results have been assessed. Please be reminded that your DigiMed Doctor calls from an unregistered number in your contact list.
- Engage with a medical tele-conferencing with your DigiMed Doctor.
- Check on the medical assessment and prescription sent to your registered email.
- Rate and send your feedback about your HeyPhil DigiMed consultation experience.
By buying, registering or availing coverage of any of the above products, I certify that I have read, understand and agree to these Terms and Conditions. I would receive the soft copy of the full policy contract within 24 hours from the receipt of the Certificate of Coverage that includes the full details of the product that I have purchased including its terms and conditions. I may also opt to request for a full policy contract by sending an email to [email protected]. If I disagree with these Terms and Conditions and I have not registered the product, I can request for a refund, subject to the PhilCare Returns & Refund or Replacement, or Cancellation Procedures (https://shop.philcare.com.ph/return-refund-terms).
I certify that the information given and to be given by me or on my behalf is true and correct and that any material misrepresentation or falsity therein shall be construed as an act to defraud PhilHealthCare Inc. (PhilCare), and serves as sufficient ground for any and all of the following actions: the rejection or cancellation of my application or membership, non-coverage of medical expenses at accredited providers, collection of receipt from me in case of payment of medical expense advanced by PhilCare. I hereby authorize PhilCare to inquire about and investigate all declared information from whatever sources PhilCare may consider appropriate.
I agree that receipt of the corresponding membership fees by PhilCare does not constitute acceptance of my application until the corresponding application has been approved. For unli-CONSULT health plans, approval of application is automatic three (3) calendar days from notice of successful registration. Coverage shall automatically begin, regardless of the status of receipt of notice advising the member of successful registration and coverage period.
I agree to the procedure for availment of unli-CONSULT services found in www.philcare.com.ph/consultation
I agree to the limitations and other exclusions applicable to health care coverage found http://shop.philcare.com.ph/non-covered-illnesses-and-diseases. PhilCare shall have the final decision to determine if the consultation service requested is caused by coverable or non-coverable condition.
I hereby agree to PhilCare in retrieving and processing any and all medical information drawn or obtained pursuant to its services based on my coverage, provided, that (a) such information shall only be utilized in accordance with lawful and official business purposes of PhilCare; (b) such information shall not be disclosed to non-essential personnel or entities; and (c) all reasonable efforts shall be taken to maintain the confidentiality of said information.
*See FAQs for more details.
**Check the list of
Non-Covered Illnesses and Diseases
***The Certificate of Coverage (COC) is issued together with the soft copy policy (provided within 24 hours from COC receipt). To request for a full hard copy policy contract, please send an email to [email protected].